Essential Tips That Will Help You Prepare for the First Running Race

Essential Tips That Will Help You Prepare for the First Running Race

It is always fun every time you get to run an official race but then it can come with a lot of inconvenience.

Ageing a 5K, 10K, a half marathon or even a full marathon, what can assist in getting to the other end is preparation.

For your first official running race, don’t be too ambitious and aim for an achievable and realistic goal: to cross the finish line and also to appreciate the process of doing it.

If you decide on some time range no matter whether this range corresponds to your training or not, you will also affect yourself and will be disappointed as the result does not meet your expectations.

It is even possible without noticing that at the start of an official race, owing to the general rush and adrenalin, you travels at a higher pace than usual.

You will then quickly run out of breath because your body will not be used to such a pace. It is therefore important to know that, if you gain time on the first kilometers, you are likely to lose more on your final stopwatch.

Instead, equip yourself with a watch to evaluate your time per kilometer. This way, you will be able to stick to your usual pace and run calmly.

Before participating in an official race, prepare a training plan and stick to it. There is no point in trying to catch up at all costs on a session that you were unable to do or in pushing yourself only three weeks before the big day.

You then risk putting too much effort on your body and injuring yourself. The important thing is to be consistent and vary the exercises.

Also, remember to warm up before each workout and stretch after. This will allow your body to get in shape before the race and then recover properly after the effort.

It is essential to provide your body with adequate fuel before the race. The ideal is to eat three or four hours before the start of the effort so that the food bolus is properly assimilated by your body.

From the day before the race, consume carbohydrates (pasta) and avoid fiber (vegetables, fruits), acidic foods (sodas, fruit juices) or foods rich in fat (cold meats).

Indeed, these can cause intestinal disorders. It is also preferable not to consume alcohol and to limit your consumption of raw vegetables 48 hours before the race.

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