Sport and Weight Loss: Three Mistakes to Avoid

Sport and Weight Loss: Three Mistakes to Avoid

Sport and Weight Loss: Three Mistakes to Avoid

Practicing a sport is a good thing. It is good for general health, the cardiovascular system, mobility, muscle tone and morale.

But for weight management, does it also work? The answer is yes! But on the condition of not committing three classic mistakes.

Mistakes related to sports practice leading to disappointment in the effectiveness attached to weight loss generally come from three areas:

  • Ignorance of exercise physiology
  • The empirical ideas conveyed for years, well anchored in the collective spirit.
  • False advertisements extolling the merits of methods to become lean and muscular in two weeks.

How? By avoiding the three mistakes that many people make.

#1: Not changing your training program

The worst thing about setting a sporting goal is not knowing what to do and having no structured plan. Result: the sessions are similar and the motivation quickly flees. Obviously, no change takes place on the body.

For what? Because to stay motivated and get results, you need different, surprising and complementary sessions. In this way, the individual involvement during the sessions is always maximum.

#2: Carrying out endless sessions without intensity

You should know that to lose a single kilo of fat, you would have to run three or four marathons! A bit hopeless, no?

However, once the session is over, the body, not having been jostled, stops its energy consumption due to the effort.

So physical effort actually burns stored fat in the body during exercise. But if the exercise is intense, that is to say that the effort is between 80 and 100% of the maximum achievable, then not only does the body consume calories during it but also well afterwards.

#3: Focusing on a targeted muscle group

Women and men who want to lose fat, generally buttocks, thighs and hips for these ladies and belly for these gentlemen, tend to multiply the exercises on these places only. If this allows muscle toning of the targeted area, it can in no way cause it to lose weight locally .

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